Blog Post Week 3// Social Listening

I chose the company “Sephora”, a very well known makeup company who sells many other makeup companies products and have now realized a makeup line of their own. I am very interested in this brand myself since I have been a customer of this brand for many years and have been able to see its evolution and upgrades throughout the years. It is one of the highest makeup companies on the charts due to its high prices but loyal customer base. People recently on Instagram and TikTok have said that Sephora itself should carry more of certain products. Since they sell from other brands in order to make money, they only get limited amounts since they must buy it from the seller. I am guessing that since they buy from so many brands, it can be hard to restock and know how much of what to buy. Sephora is now very trendy on both Instagram and TikTok since most “influencers” are the ones who review products and upload that content for potential buyers. People like to watch this in order to see ...